Vegas Strip Blackjack

Blackjack is probably one of the most popular games played in a casino and this has resulted in many variations coming up of this game. Vegas Strip Blackjack is one of these variations and this game is played using 4 deck of cards each consisting of 52 cards. The objective of this game is to beat the dealer and this can be done either by obtaining a higher hand without going over 21 or by the dealer’s hand going over 21. Vegas strip blackjack requires players to only bet one hand at a time.


  • When a player or a dealer is dealt an ace or a 10 card they should immediately check for blackjack.
  • If the dealer’s got a natural the game will end but if a player has a blackjack they will be paid out and this will be at the odds of 3:2 on their original bets.
  • Players can get up to 9 additional cards so as to make a total card of 11 cards so long as the cards value does not go over 21. After receiving 11 cards and the total cards value has not gone beyond 21 then the players hand should automatically stand.
  • A dealer is supposed to stand on soft 17.
  • A player is allowed to double after splitting.
  • A player is allowed to double on any of their first two cards.
  • Players are also allowed to re-split to three hands.
  • A dealer is supposed to peek for blackjack.
  • There is only one bet position.

Splitting Rules

Players are allowed to split two cards of the same value for example a player can split two eights and also a 10 and a king since they all have a value of 10. When 2 aces are split, each of them will be dealt one card and the hands will automatically stand. If a player splits 2 aces and then draws a card which has a value of 10, this will not be considered a blackjack but just a hand value of 21. Players are allowed to split up to 3 times in each game which will mean that they can get up to 4 hands per game. The players hand is divided into 2 different hands and a bet is placed on the second hand which is supposed to be equal to their original bets.


There are various strategies that players can use when playing this game. One of the strategies that is allowed in conventional blackjack but not for use in Vegas Strip is Insurance. This is where players wait for dealers to be dealt with aces. The insurance bets cost players half their original bets. When the dealer gets a blackjack, the players will be paid 2:1 but they will lose their original bets. If the dealer’s hand is not a blackjack, the players will still lose their insurance bet as they will just get half of their original bets. This strategy decreases the house edge by up to 0.36% or even less in the case of card counting.

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